Upcoming events

Residential opportunity in the U.K.
Alyssa has the privilege of being at Emerson College in 2024 to do the Storytelling Beyond Words three-month residential course. With only 24 people accepted worldwide, Alyssa is grateful beyond measure for this opportunity

FEAST mentorship (online)
Alyssa is the recipient of a mentorship with FEAST - the Federation of Asian Storytellers and is working on a version of a well-known fairy tale that will be presented on November 3, 2023.

2023 Australian Fairy Tale Conference (Sydney)
Alyssa is co-hosting and presenting at the Australian Fairy Tale Conference. Her presentation of her thesis “Explorations of female-empowered sexuality in the fairy tales of 17th-century author Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de La Force.”
Alyssa also co-presented at the 2022 conference in Brisbane with Joanna Henwood and Eliane Davis Morel.

Stories of Transformation (Mandurah)
For the second time, the Storytelling Guild of WA is putting on our Stories of Transformation, this time at Lakelands Library in Mandurah. Six amazing tellers arrive to enchant the audience. Alyssa will be telling The Lindworm, a Scandinavian tale that has origins from much earlier.

Stories of Transformation
For the first time, the Storytelling Guild of WA is putting on our annual showcase: Stories of Transformation in Midland. Six amazing tellers arrive to enchant the audience. Alyssa will be telling The Lindworm, a Scandinavian tale that has origins from much earlier.