The power of ‘yes’
“The world is opening up to me the more I open up. It’s not a clear path, but I can now see the possibilities.”
In 2020, after I had rediscovered fairy tales and storytelling, I approached the wonderful oral storyteller, Tamas Ozwald to learn more about the craft. Much to my surprise, he invited me to tell a story a week or so later. Despite my deep internal fear, I said ‘yes’ and I told one of my childhood favourites, Rumpelstiltskin, to a very kind audience. You can see the video here. I like to keep it online, to remind me how far I’ve come.
Then, I was offered a job in Perth, and said yes and walked straight into a storytelling community here with the Guild. From there I kept saying yes, despite the fact that every time I was terrified of the possible negative outcomes, judgement, and criticism.
In 2021, I said ‘yes’ to a project with the Australian Fairy Tale Society that completely changed my life and led to my Master’s level minor thesis and presenting my findings at the annual conference earlier this year. This project awakened something in me and working alongside two seasoned performers, I felt safe and supported as I began to find my voice both in writing and storytelling.
But none of these things would have happened had I not been open to the possibilities OR saying ‘yes’ to them, despite the fear. I’m finding that opportunities are being presented to me beyond my wildest dreams and I have to remind myself that the fear I feel is a combination of anxiety and excitement, it is neither good nor bad, it just is.
The world is opening up to me the more I open up to a sense of surrendering. I have to check myself when I have expectations and want things to be a certain way, perhaps by surrendering control, I am allowing the possibilities. It’s like that meme that shows that life is not linear but a jumbled mixed line that I just have to trust in the universe, but also trust in myself and when it’s right to say ‘yes’ for me.
I don’t know what’s coming next, but I do know that by continuing to say ‘yes’ I am more aligned, happier, and more content with my life than I’ve ever been and the best thing is, I’m doing what I love with the people I love.
May you find your empowered ‘yes’ too.