Why aren’t we talking about our collective trauma?
2020 Was a traumatic year for everyone, and it seems we have just moved on without any debrief, any healing. What will be the consequences if we don’t address this?
We are all Broken Kintsugi Bowls
When we view ourselves as broken or damaged we lose the opportunity for repair and restoration. It is our imperfections that make us who we are, not our perfection.
A Message for the Lonely this Christmas
Who doesn’t experience loneliness? In this blog, I explore my current loneliness triggered by the Christmas season. Please see a professional if you need help. This is just a blog about my experience.
Moving into a More Wholesome State
When the noise of the world seems too great, it’s okay to turn it off and take care of yourself. Bringing a more wholesome sense of self to the world already makes a better world.
Transitioning from stress to slow living
What if life could be lived without so much stress? In this article, I explore my experience in a caring profession for three decades.
Five Steps to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
This article describes my experience of imposter syndrome and some of the strategies that I'm using to expand into the fullness of myself.
Why I’ve deleted my social media apps
This is a reflection on how I'm taking back my life by deleting the apps that don't serve my one wild and precious life.
Five strategies for taking back your dream space (and your life)
Do you dream? Do you remember what it is like to dream in vivid colour and stay in the liminal space between sleep and waking? It’s precious.
Death is not the answer
When we are suffering in deep despair, it is an easy thought to end our lives, but the reality is, on the other side of the grief, we can find opportunities we could never have imagined.
I want to write a book, where do I start?
Five steps to start writing that book that you have inside you. Everyone should have the opportunity to tell their story.
10 Ways I Organise to Bring my Ideas to Life
When you have so many creative ideas and projects, it’s hard to know what to do with them all. This is how I manage my time and priorities when it comes to creative ideas.
The power of ‘yes’
This a blog about my experiences of saying “yes” although it is scary and out of my control. In learning to surrender, I’m loving life more.
Raising our vibrations with journalling
Journalling has been a lifesaver for me, perhaps it can change your life too.
How to become more productive with 5-minute micro habits
To achieve your dreams and goals, perhaps it’s easier to break them down into small, achievable bites.
Are you ready to put your phone down yet?
With Facebook’s 20-year anniversary coming up next year, are we happy with where we are?
Three steps to start your self-healing journey
When we realise we need to heal some part of us, it’s always good to know where to begin.